La Francophonie

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Un peu de musique pour s'amuser

Ecoutez la chanson suivante:

C'est une petite chanson composée par Soprano et Cauet pour apprendre ce qu'on doit faire....

Make sure the script is in French + learn the lyrics (les paroles).

La grammaire à observer: la négation / le passif / l'impératif
...pour ne pas être contaminé  : si le verbe est à l'infinitif, les 2 mots de négation sont devant le verbe.

...pour ne pas être contaminé : le verbe "être" marque le temps et le mode du verbe au passif : ici > "infinitif" + il faut le participe passé "contaminé"

Ouvre l'eau; Frotte tes mains; Rince! : à l'impératif 2ème personne du singulier (tu), les verbes en -ER perdent le "s".  Mais, ils le gardent pour les autres verbes "Mets de savon;

Vocabulaire à apprendre:
le savon
la paume
les ongles
le coude
avoir l'air
teubé ("bête" en verlan) = stupide

Last essay on "To Kill a Mockingbird"

 This essay needs to be done by Wednesday - Link to proofread your essay: link

Come to class prepared and with the purpose of working on this essay. I know that some of you want to spend just the right amount of time on this assignment (class time). My intent is to make sure these students are able to have quality time to think and produce.
Topic 1 - articles

1. “Duluth Teachers, District Grapple with How to Move on from 'Mockingbird'” by Dan Kraker

2.  “Despite 'Discomfort,' Many Teachers Still Teach To Kill a Mockingbird. Here's Why” by Madeline Will

3. “Why Schools Shouldn’t Stop Teaching 'To Kill a Mockingbird' because of the N-Word” by Megan G. Oprera

4.  “No, To Kill a Mockingbird Should Not be Taught in 2018” by Andray Domise

5. "It's time to rethink our schools' reading lists for diversity" by Anjali Enjeti

For this topic, I suggest that you skim through these articles and "highlight" their main arguments (why keep the novel, why remove it). You can use their points for your counter-argument and/or to support your main argument. In which case, you will cite (you can paraphrase) what these authors' view. Example: 

One can agree / One can understand with Madeline Will that To Kill a Mockingbird shows its readers ......; However, ....." (in this case, the article is used as a counter-argument).

 But you also need to come up with your own ideas backed with evidences from the book that prove the novel makes the point you suggest it does or teaches the skills or lessons you claim it does.  Also, these articles are written from the point of views of a teacher, you are writing from the point of view of a student.