Devoirs pour Under the Persimmon tree

Devoirs pour jeudi 10 janvier, lundi 14 janvier: Work on your literary analysis. You will need to turn it in on Wednesday 16th. We will work in class on Friday and Monday.
Devoirs pour mardi 8 janvier 2013:
Finish Under the Persimmon tree and the work that goes with it (summary or signs of resilience / vocabulary / questions). As you read, note the instances that will help you write a literary analysis addressing the theme of resilience in the characters of this novel (see example below).

Resilience is the ability to work with adversity in such a way that one comes through it unharmed or even better for the experience. Resilience means facing life’s difficulties with courage and patience – refusing to give up. It is the quality of character that allows a person or group of people rebound from misfortune, hardships and traumas.

Resilience is rooted in a tenacity of spirit—a determination to embrace all that makes life worth living even in the face of overwhelming odds. People who have a clear sense of identity and purpose are more resilient, because they can hold fast to their vision of a better future.

Much of our resilience comes from community—from the relationships that allow us to lean on each other for support when we need it.

Chapter 11: (Najmah)
          Najmah is very weak from the lack of nutrition. Her feet are sore from walking in the rough leather sandals, but they are very close to Torkhum, the refugee's camp. When they arrive, they are given tasteless biscuits to fill them and help them gain strength. With food in their stomachs, they sleep deeply and for a long time. Najmah realizes that along the way, she has planned to go to Peshawar, Pakistan, to find her father and brother.
Signs of resilience:
Although exhausted Najmah makes a plan to continue her journey to reunite with her family (sense of family helps her).
Akhtar, the father, encourages his family to move on "we are very close, just two more hours, just over the hill, we can make it" (p. 124-125) - "I would like to leave my family here where they will be safe, and return to fight against the Taliban" (128) - (Protecting his family gives him strength and courage to fight).  


tattered (126) : Adj. ragged, torn to shreds.
malek (126): N. an administrative manager.
surmeh (127): N. oily black substance used to outlined the eyes. It is supposed to fight diseases.
mujahid (128): N. an Islamic warrior.
shale (129): N. a clay-like rock composed of sediment that has a laminated structure.

Possible questions:

1- In this chapter, how does the author show that Najmah has little knowledge of the outside world?
2- What does Khalida do to go from a boy to a woman? (p. 127)
3- Why was she dressed as a boy, and does the malek think it is a good idea?

Grammaire et structures

Devoirs pour vendredi 14 décembre:
Lire Under the persimmon tree to chapter 9 - Compose 6 sentences using the following expressions:
1. parce que
2. comme
3. grâce à
4. à cause de
5. faute de
6. en raison de
7. à force de 

Devoirs pour mercredi 12 décembre:
Lire Under the persimmon tree ± 7 chapitres.
Devoirs pour lundi 10 décembre
Grammaire: Corriger les phrases + Lire Under the persimmon tree.

Devoirs pour jeudi 6 décembre
Grammaire: Ecrire une phrase pour illustrer les structures suivantes (1 phrase par situation):

1) pour
2) pour que
3) à condition de
4) à condition que
5) de peur de
6) de peur que
7) avant
8) avant de
9) avant que

Attention: Les phrases avec "que" doivent avoir 2 sujets différents (je / ma famille - par exemple).

Under the persimmon tree

Read about 4 to 5 chapters a week keeping a reading log. For each chapter do the following activity:
1) Write 2 to 3 thought provoking questions.
2) List 5 words that are new or unclear to you + provide a definition.
3) Write a short summary of what you learn through the chapter.
4) I will, on occasion, ask you to answer specific questions.

This assignment is due the first week of school after Winter break.

Les changements climatiques

Devoirs pour mercredi 21: Composez un devoir bien organisé et bien documenté pour répondre à 1 des questions suivantes:

1-    Durant la campagne présidentielle de 2012, le sujet du changement climatique a très peu été mentionné, est-ce une erreur ? Justifiez votre réponse.
2-    Le Président Obama va présenter son nouveau gouvernement et cahier de dépenses. Devrait-on réserver une partie substantielle du budget pour la recherche des changements climatiques ? (U.S. Global Change Research Program) ? Justifiez votre réponse.
Articles intéressants pour nos sujets (merci Josh)

Articles pour  "faits": les faits / Constats et actionles signes
Articles pour "Actions Internationales": Réponses des Etats / Le Sommet de Rio
Articles pour "conséquences": la banquise / Les lourdes conséquences
Articles pour "causes": Les causes / L'effet de serre
Articles pour "solutions": énergie énergétique / énergie renouvelable / L'efficacité énergique  
Sites proposés:

Animation de l'effet de serre: Site

Cartes et graphes,42950.html
Devoirs pour jeudi 8 novembre et mardi 13 novembre:
Recherche: Choisir et lire 2 articles sur le même aspect du sujet: faits / cause / conséquences / actions internationales / solution (voir sites proposés ci-dessous)

Pour chaque article, prenez des C-notes pour montrer que vous comprenez:
1) le sujet de l'article, 2) l'organisation de l'article, 3) les faits présentés, 4) la conclusion,
5) la position de ou des auteur(s), 6) la crédibilité de la source, 
7) le vocabulaire essentiel : notez 6 mots de vocabulaire/expressions essentiels pour parler de cet aricle. Donnez les définitions pour chaque mot. Ex.: stocker: V. garder en stock.

Devoirs pour mardi 6 novembre:
1- Composer un résumé de la vidéo sur Sandy (regardez à nouveau la vidéo link on the right - pour avoir des informations plus précises - dates, chiffres, etc....) ou sur YouTube:
2- Lire l'article du Huffington Post en prenant des C-notes (qui inclut un résumé) - Attention: ces deux devoirs sont à rendre mardi. Please read legibly, or better type.

Romeo and Juliet

Devoirs pour mercredi 31 octobre + vendredi 2 novembre:

Remember a Shakespearean sonnet is made of 14 verses following this rhyme scheme:
a, b, a, b / c, d, c, d / e, f, e, f / g, g
Each verse should have the same number of syllables (10). 
Each verse in Shakespearean sonnets is composed of 5 iambic meters - These verses are called iambic pentameter: 5 iambic meters.

An iambic meter is composed of 2 syllables (unstressed / stressed) -  I can do syllables, but I cannot do "unstressed / stressed" very well (French is not a stressed language). However, because I know the pattern, I know where the unstressed / stressed parts are.

Two house / holds, both / alike / in di / gnity,
In fair / Vero / na, where / we lay / our scene,
From an  /cient grudge / break to / new mu / tiny,
Where civil blood makes civil hands unclean.
From forth the fatal loins of these two foes
A pair of star-cross'd lovers take their life;

Scene II Act II
But, soft! what light through yonder window breaks?
It is the east, and Juliet is the sun.
Arise, fair sun, and kill the envious moon,
Who is already sick and pale with grief,
That thou her maid art far more fair than she:
Be not her maid, since she is envious;
Her vestal livery is but sick and green
And none but fools do wear it; cast it off.

This video can be helpful too:

Devoirs pour lundi 29 octobre 
Romeo and Juliet: Finish the play + work on your sonnet.

Devoirs pour jeudi 25 octobre:
Romeo and Juliet - Read and write a summary of scenes IV and V Act IV
Mercutio fights Tybalt

Devoirs pour mardi 23 octobre:

Romeo and Juliet - Read scenes I, II, III and IV Act IV + answer the following questions - Click here.

Devoirs pour jeudi 18 octobre:
Romeo and Juliet - Read scenes III, IV and V Act III + write a summary of each scene. If you had to cut a scene out (for a movie production), which scene would you cut out and why?

Devoirs pour mardi 16 octobre:
Romeo and Juliet - Read scene III Act III + do activities from this sheet

Devoirs pour jeudi 11 octobre:
Romeo and Juliet - Read scene II Act III + do activities from this sheet

Devoirs pour lundi 8 octobre:
Romeo and Juliet - Read scene I Act III - Choose one of the two scenes and think of how it could be staged. Try to find a clue in the first fight regarding how it happened. In class, we will stage several versions. If you didn't do the yellow sheet, do so and be ready to turn it in.

Devoirs pour vendredi 5 octobre:
Romeo and Juliet - Read scenes V and VI Act II - Ask 6 questions about these two acts + answer the yellow sheet given in house or class today. (link)

Devoirs pour mercredi 3 octobre:
Romeo and Juliet
Romeo and Juliet - Read scenes IV and V Act II -

Devoirs pour lundi 1 octobre:
Romeo and Juliet - Read scene III Act II - Ask 5 to 6 comprehension questions on the Act II (scenes I, II, III).

Devoirs pour jeudi 27 septembre - To be turned in
Romeo and Juliet – Act II – Prologue and Scenes I and II
In scene I,
1-    What are Benevolio and Mercution talking about? Find 2 lines that give examples of the topic.
2-    Where is Romeo?

In Scene II
1-    At the end of the scene, what have Romeo and Juliet decided to do? Find the lines that say so.
2-    Why does Romeo have to leave? Find the lines that explain it.
3-    Love makes you strong, love makes you fool – Find lines that justify these statement.
4-    Learn to read well one of these parts:
a.     Romeo: lines 1 to 25
b.     Juliet: 35 to 51
Devoirs pour mardi 25 septembre:
Read scenes IV and V (this will be the end of Act 1) -See homework instruction on the right menu, or by clicking here.

Devoirs pour vendredi 20 septembre:
1. Read scenes 2 and 3 of Act 1

Devoirs pour mercredi 18 septembre:
1. Make sure you have the cast of characters down.
2. Reread the Monolog and Scene 1 of Act I. Make sure to use the glossary at the end of the play as well as the notes on the margins. If you need help with the reading, you can find a modern version of the play at the library or on-line.

Devoirs pour lundi 17 septembre: 
1. Read strategies 1 to 5 p. 4 and 5
2. Write, in English, what you know about Romeo and Juliet: the plot of the story, where you think it takes place, use of the story today, ....)

Premier devoir écrit : Un événement qui me définit

• Un événement qui me définit - Choisissez un événement qui vous définit et écrivez une composition d'un minimum de 250 mots. La narration de cet événement doit montrer qui vous êtes: vos qualités et défauts principaux, votre personnalité, vos atouts, les relations que vous avez avec votre famille. 

Pour mardi 11: Venir en classe avec la première copie (la copie doit être lisible) -  
En classe: Vous lirez et apporterez des commentaires sur la copie d'un autre étudiants.
                              Vous relirez votre copie en complétant une liste de vérification.

Pour jeudi 13: Venir en classe avec le devoir écrit version finale (tapée, 1.5 interligne) - Pratiquer la lecture de votre devoir (intonation, pauses, prononciation).
En classe: Vous lirez votre devoir à un petit groupe - Vous recevrez une note qui évaluera votre préparation, votre prononciation et votre enthousiasme.

Lundi 17: Vous aurez une note sur votre premier devoir écrit (note finale).