Informative Essay

Check this page for information: lien
Needs to be done by Monday before class (no extra class time, but you can finish as HW).

How to cite in text + write a cited works page: lien

Equal Justice Initiative: lien
Lynching in America: lien
The Scottsboro Affaire: lien 

Mitt Romney's speech: lien

Answers of 3 chapters excused for watching  JUST MERCY (PG-13) at The Bijou
(bring your tickets + answer this short on-line questionnaire to show you have watched the movie)

Here are the showtimes for JUST MERCY for 2/14 - 2/20:
Friday - Sunday
11:30 am, 4:30, 9:30
 Monday - Thursday : Craig and I will go to the 12:30 show on Monday
12:30, 5:30